Praise God for $2000 that came in this month from a church in Florida! That brings us a little closer to our goal. I wrote last month about the current economic problems that have caused the price of materials and labor to go up. We currently lack $24,400 to have the work fully funded. Please pray that we can have the funds come in quickly over the months of May and June. That way we will be able to complete the work by the end of July or first of August.
April the 14th will be forever a special day for me. That is the day that we officially organized Victory Baptist Church in Rosario. Praise God for the faithful men and women who became charter members of the church.
Ladies Retreat:
On April 19th and 20th we had our second annual ladies retreat. This year we were able to host the retreat at the camp. We had missionary Angela Freeman come and speak at the conference and she did a fantastic job. Angela’a parents were missionaries to Argentina, and she was born here, and lived most of her life in Argentina. She was a great blessing to the ladies.
April was a BIG month for our family. Emily and Savannah celebrated their birthdays this month, Emily and I celebrated our 20th anniversary, and Emily and I finally received our permanent residency in Argentina on the 29th!
Thank you for your support!
The Bateman Family