Construction: Praise God again for all the necessary funds for building Victory Baptist Church. Thank you to all the churches who gave! The construction can now proceed and is on schedule to be completed sometime in August. 

Furlough: In the month of June we had the privilege of traveling out west. Our family never went west during deputation, but Liberty Baptist Church in Las Vegas invited us to be a part of their missions conference this year. So we went a few days early and were able to do some sight seeing in Arizona, Nevada, and California. While driving across our great country we saw evidence not only of how blessed America has been, but also of the need there is for more churches out west. 

I have a very special prayer request for our churches in Argentina. In the month of July both churches will be having youth conferences. July is the mid-winter break for schools there. This year Victory Baptist Church will have their third youth conference. We are excited about this event, as we have had people saved each year. Also this year Faith Baptist Church will have their first youth conference. Please pray for these meetings! 

Prayer Points:
• For the completion of Victory Baptist Church’s building without any problems.
• For safety as we travel and visit churches.
• For the youth conferences at Victory and Faith. 

Thank you for your support!
The Bateman Family

Preaching in Las Vegas
At the Grand Canyon
Finishing work on the roof of the church