Furlough: Since we have been in the States, I have had the opportunity to teach at the Vision School of Missions. This semester I am teaching the poetic books to the second- and third-year students. As students are working through the three-year missions program at Vision, the mission also helps them connect with churches in the area so that they can serve in those churches. Currently there are five churches that have interns from the mission serving in different capacities. I am thankful to have a small part in their development and education in missions. Pray for the current students and pray for more men and women to surrender their lives to the cause of world missions.
I am also currently pursuing my Masters in Biblical Counseling with West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, California. This is an area I have realized I need to grow in, so I am taking two courses each semester. I will also be taking courses during the summers and should be finished in two years. Pray for me as I study and for my personal growth.
During the month of October we celebrated Madelyn’s birthday. She is now ten years old. I also traveled in the states of Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi. I was also able to participate in two missions conferences this last month and preach in a Christian school chapel service.
Argentina: This past month a lot of exciting things took place in our first church in Rosario. Victory Baptist had their fourth annual missions conference, and they also had 11 people follow the Lord in believer’s baptism. Faith Baptist Church will have their very first missions conference during the month of November. Derlis Benitez is preaching the conference. Derlis and his wife Belen are good friends of ours, and they are church planters in the city of La Plata.
Prayer Points:
• Pray for the upcoming events in our churches.
• Pray for us as we travel.
• Pray for more men to prepare for the ministry.
• Pray for Hector Campos and Hernan Gonzalez as they lead our churches in Argentina.
Thank you for your support!
The Bateman Family

Baptism at Victory Baptist Church

Couples meeting during the missions conference.

Madelyn is 10!