
The Construction keeps advancing with the roof in place over the area where the Sunday School class rooms and bathrooms will be. I was prepared to write about how we lacked some of the funds, but through a generous offering all the needs for the construction of Victory Baptist Church have been met! Praise God! 


We are back in the states! After five and a half years in Argentina we are taking our first furlough. We praise God for all he has done these last few years, and we look forward to reconnecting with churches here in the states. If you would like to have us in please contact me at 


The day after we arrived I had the privilege of preaching at the graduation ceremony at Vision. I preached about ministry lessons from the life of Samson. Praise God for the graduating students who will now pursue God’s will for their lives in missions. I also preached to a group visiting Vision for the World’s Cheapest Missionary Trip.

During our first month back Vison conducts a reentry interview for their missionaries. We met with the president, director of Vision, and our field director via Zoom for this interview. Vision Baptist Missions has been great to us helping us get set up and established for this furlough. I’m thankful for our mission and how they care for us and our family. 

The churches are doing well in Argentina. This month Victory Baptist and Faith Baptist had men and ladies meetings. More people have finished the members course at Victory and joined the church at the end of May.

Pray for Hector Campos who is leading Victory Baptist Church at this time, and Hernan Gonzalez who is leading Faith Baptist at this time. I thank God for these faithful men, and for others who are our co-laborers in the Kingdom of God. 

Prayer Points

• We need more laborers in Argentina, both missionaries, and national pastors, and missionaries.
• Pray for safety as we travel on furlough visiting churches.
• Pray for the churches in Argentina that they would grow, and experience God’s blessings and protection. 

Thank you for your support!
The Bateman Family

Ladies Meeting at Faith Baptist