What greater blessing is there than to see families in the church, serving Christ together?

While we have several young families who are raising their children in the fear of the Lord, we also have many young people who come to church alone. We held a special banquet in our church so that these young people could invite their parents.

The church was packed! I preached a message on being a parent, and as always, I gave the plan of salvation. The Gospel seed was sown, and some parents have begun to attend the church services.

The Young people banquet.

Please pray for our young people. We also started a new outreach project called “Our Jerusalem.” We printed several thousands of fliers that tell about the ministries that our church has, and serve as an invitation for people to come and visit us.
We started handing them out on a Tuesday. Our first visitor came the following Thursday night and returned again on Sunday.

Prayer Points:
– We need a permanent place for our church
– Please pray for wisdom.
– Pray for new visitors.
– Pray for the new converts who are being discipled.