Family: Our family is doing well; Baby Elena is a healthy and growing girl, and we are once again adjusting to the rhythm of having a newborn in the home. We are preparing for our furlough, the timing of which depends on when we receive Elena’s passports and paperwork. Please pray that we will have everything ready by the end of February.
Victory in Rosario: Our membership classes are going well, and we are preparing to organize the church in January. We are also making preparations for the youth camp, which it appears will be our biggest one yet.
Building Fund: We have already received $20,850 for the building fund. We have a church that has voted to send $5,000 more, which would place us at 47%. We began work on January the 2nd.
Faith in Pergamino: We are renovating little by little the building we are meeting in. There are a lot of things that need to be done. We plan to do an “official launch” in January, when we have the building in better conditions. This church has some young men who are studying for the ministry. Pray for them. Their names are Facundo, Nico, and Gonzalo. They are already serving in the ministry by preaching and teaching in the church and doing evangelism in the plazas and parks.