In May we had a ladies’ retreat at the church. Ladies from Pergamino traveled to attend, as did one lady from Gaboto, a town about an hour north of Rosario. Mrs. Belén Ponce was the invited speaker. Belén and her husband, Derlis, are working to plant a church in the city of La Plata. They are good friends of ours, and have helped in the youth camps that we have had here. The ladies’ retreat was going to take place at the camp on Friday and Saturday, but because of rain we had to change plans, so the event was held in our church on Saturday only. The next day Derlis preached in our morning service, and then they traveled with us to Pergamino where he preached that night.

The work keeps advancing in Pergamino. We had 20 last Sunday, which is the most we have had, and an 18 year old named Axel trusted Christ as his Savior. I preached that night on the grace of God, and during the invitation he raised his hand that he wanted to trust Christ. After the service I spoke with him explaining the Gospel, and he prayed and trusted Christ. 

Derlis preaching in the youth meeting

In the month of April God opened several doors, and we were able to purchase a property for the church. We are excited about this opportunity to build a church building. The great thing is that the property is only two blocks away from where we are currently located. This is so important because we have many people who walk to church. I’ll be talking to some architects this month about building. It is my desire to have the church in its own building by the end of the year.

Thank you for your support!
The Bateman Family 

Prayer Points:
• Pray for Victory Baptist Church in Rosario as we build the church building, and organize the church.

• Pray for Faith Baptist Church in Pergamino as we work in this new and growing work.

• Pray for faithful men to be raised up for the work of the ministry.