“Pastor there is not Baptist church in our town yet, but we are praying.” Adriana and Matias drove 37 miles with their two children to a service in our church. They had heard about our church through some friends who had visited us several months back. Their city, Gaboto, has a population of close to 5,000. There are Catholic churches and a few Pentecostal churches, but no sound, gospel-preaching church in their town. They said that the distance isn’t important and that they would be coming to our church every opportunity that they have. Please pray for our province of Santa Fe and the great need for church planters here!
Tucumán: Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to travel 12 hours from Rosario and visit the city of San Miguel de Tucumán along with two of the young men in our church. It is one of the largest cities in the country. I was invited by Pastor Ezekiel Rojas, who is the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He has been there for six years. He also started The Rock Baptist
Church in a town outside of Tucumán. He is currently pastoring both churches, and has young men that he is training in the ministry. I had the privilege of preaching in the five-year anniversary service at The Rock Baptist Church on Saturday. I preached in Bethlehem on Sunday night. Sunday morning we went to a new church plant in the town of Cadillal.
The church was started eight months ago by Pastor Matias Diez, and they currently have about 25 people.
It is one thing to hear a missionary give his statistics about the need of the Gospel in a country, it is another thing to actually be there and see the need in person. During a 12-hour car trip to Tucumán we passed scores of towns where there is no Gospel witness. Please pray for Argentina!
Prayer Points:
•Pray as we search for a church property.
•Pray for more laborers to come and help us here in Rosario.
•Pray for the men who are training for the ministry here.